It's time to think pink and show everyone that you are a Breast Cancer Survivor with these great think pink ribbon shoes. Covered in, of course, pink ribbons, these great shoes come in three different shoe types including lace up, mini slip ons, and slip ons in several colour combinations. Kids sizes, too! Great for others to show their support for those who have survived or went through Breast Cancer, also! So Think Pink with cool Keds!
Each women's shoe starts at $60 and each kids shoe starts at $50. Get yours today by clicking on the image(s) below or visit Think Pink Shoes to see all of the shoes we have available in this category.
Shoes are shown in the order Women's Lace Up, Kids Slip On, Women's Slip On, Kids Lace Up, Women's Mini Slip On and are available in all colour combinations represented below.
Each women's shoe starts at $60 and each kids shoe starts at $50. Get yours today by clicking on the image(s) below or visit Think Pink Shoes to see all of the shoes we have available in this category.
Shoes are shown in the order Women's Lace Up, Kids Slip On, Women's Slip On, Kids Lace Up, Women's Mini Slip On and are available in all colour combinations represented below.